Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Wedding

The reason we went to Hawaii was to attend the wedding of Brent (Forrest's coworker) and Reshma (ok, we used their wedding as an excuse, but still...)

They got married on Saturday evening at this little beach in Makena. When we arrived in the parking lot there were three other wedding couples there waiting for their officiants to arrive. Popular beach! Ben arrived early to stake out "the cove" and when he arrived there were several nudists sunbathing. He let them know that a wedding was going to take place and that they were more than welcome to stay. Three of them packed up and left and the last one covered up and stayed under an umbrella in the back of the cove.
A family photo. Ephraim LOVES water and was not happy that we were not letting him down in his nice clothes.
Jason the photographer. He works with Forrest and Brent and is a professional concert photographer.
Before the ceremony Forrest let Ephraim play on the rocks and explore.

Ephraim was having a lot of fun and did not want to get down for the ceremony to start.
Brent and reshma. Resh is from India and wore a beautiful sari that was covered in gorgeous beadwork. Brent also dressed in Indian attire.

I wanted to get up and touch her gown, but decided that probably wasn't appropriate.
It was a beautiful sunset and a nice sweet ceremony. Forrest got a kick out of the officiant's mullet and made sure to get a picture.
The boys celebrated by stripping down to their shorts and running into the ocean. This hadn't been planned so all of them were wearing their nice shorts with nothing to change into as we left to go to the post-wedding party.

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