Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love to enter contests. Love, love, love. There is something very exciting to me about the possibility of winning something. I could win an old pair of socks and I would probably get excited. There are several websites that I check daily to see if there is anything I want to enter for. The only rule at our house is that I cannot give out Forrest's phone number. I thought I would share so that others can get excited with me.

Ecobunga - This is a website that has links to "green" giveaways.
The Opinionated Parent - This website does reviews and usually gives away the product they are reviewing.
Does Mommy Love It - Similar to the Opinionated Parent
Bloggy Giveaways - This giveaway site is not parent oriented like the previous two.

If anyone has other giveaway sites that they frequent - please comment and let me know. I would love to enter more contests!

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