Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Children's Museum

On Saturday Colleen treated us all to The Portland Children's Museum. Elisa thoroughly enjoyed herself. She loved the store, the hospital, and Bob the Builder. I was amazed at how patient she was waiting her turn to do activities. Several times other kids would try to take her shopping cart, or cut in front of her trying to play the xylophone. It was a good thing Aunt Michelle was there to make sure that Elisa wasn't bullied.

Colleen and Sadie driving a bulldozer.
Michelle is having fun in a tractor.

Elisa is in the ambulance.
Ephraim chillin' in the sling.
Elisa climbing through a tunnel.
Ephraim "eating" Nana's chin. It is one of his new pastimes.

Elisa playing the xylophone.

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