January: Ephraim turned 9 months old. Ephraim, my mom and I drove to Jackson for several days to surprise Colleen and Erik.
February: At 10 months old - Ephraim started to make discernable sounds such as "uh-oh" and roaring like a lion. At the end of the month he took his first steps. Forrest and I completed some home improvement projects.
March: Ephraim got his first haircut and Frank and Forrest built me garden beds. I also purchased a worm composter.
April: Ephraim turned 1 and had a tractor birthday party. We watched Ryan compete in the NWC decathlon. Ephraim attended his first political protest. We bought a zoo membership and began enjoying the zoo.
May: Ephraim and I went to Ohio with my mom, Colleen, Elisa and Sadie to watch Ryan compete at nationals. Our garden started growing.
June: We bought Ephraim a pool, continued working on our garden, took a trip to Oregon to have fun with friends.
July: We traveled to Jackson for my cousin Alfred's wedding to our good friend Bailey. The day before the wedding we found out we are pregnant with #2. Ephraim took his first trip to the ER.
August: We went camping with the Moody's and Brownlee's at Lost Lake. Our garden grew like crazy - with my favorite vegetable being the humongous pumpkin vine that grew out of our dirt pile.
September: Colleen and her girls came out for a few days and we went to the fair and zoo. We spent 10 wonderful days in Hawaii for a friends wedding.
October: We went to the beach on the first to remember my dad, Ephraim had several new friends be born. I turned 31. Ephraim and I went to a pumpkin patch. Ephraim turned 18 months and we learned he wasn't gaining enough weight and put him on high fat/calorie diet.
November: Forrest celebrated his birthday, we found out #2 is going to be a girl, spent Thanksgiving with our families.
December: Spent a lot of time in Oregon with family and friends. All of the Forbes clan was together for Christmas.
*The arrival of baby girl Arnold in March
*Camping and gardening this summer
*A trip to Wyoming in October so Forrest can go hunting
*Ephraim starting soccer
*Spending as much time as possible with family and friends
I'll be honest... I'm a little bummed that I won't have an Arnold-family-picture for my fridge this year. Oh well. Maybe I'll make this one my desk-top background. =)
how do you do it??? you must take good notes. this is a great post. and we're excited to meet little girl Arnold. we didn't realize you found out about baby #2 the day before wedding. that's fun. :) miss you guys!
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