Monday, January 02, 2012

2011 - A Medical Review

I feel like the Arnold family spent a vast amount of time (and co-pays) at the doctor's office in 2011.  Here is the rundown.

*Selah gets nasty stomach bug and we get sent to the ER by our doctor because she is so little and concerned about dehydration
*Ephraim has low fever and can't move his neck.  Spend day at doctor's office ruling out meningitis.
*X-rays from doctor's office show large adenoids leading to ENT visit.
*Ephraim has diminished hearing as well.  Schedule surgery for adenoidectomy and ear tubes
*Selah has ear infection.  Get to go to doctor's twice since she refused to swallow any medicine
*Amy has nasty sinus infection

*Ephraim has surgery

*Ephraim needs a stitch in his mouth
*Get to call Poison control on Easter Sunday because Selah decided to try to taste the toilet cleaning gel in the toilet

*Spend 8 hours in urgent care/ER because Ephraim is unable to put any weight on his left leg.  Diagnosis: toxic synovitis in his knee.  He is able to walk a few days later.
*Have a slight scare while camping thinking Selah might be allergic to shrimp.

*Get to call Poison Control for Ephraim - he poured himself some children's Motrin.

*Selah gets to have 9 stitches in her left palm.  (3 internal, 6 external) after falling on a broken piece of glass

*Forrest has a subcutaneous cyst removed from his back
*Selah has allergy testing (and thankfully is negative!)

*Amy ends the year by having to go to the dentist over the holidays while in Oregon and learns she needs a root canal.

Here is to hoping that 2012 is a little less busy in the medical department for us!

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