Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please Pray for the Brandts

I am not sure how many of you know Rachel (Powell) Brandt. She attended George Fox and played basketball and track. She and her husband Tony had their third baby last week - David Howard and he has some serious health problems. They could use everybody's prayers. I am attaching Rachel's emails so you can know what is going on.
March 23 - David Howard Brandt was born Thursday, March 20. He surprised everyone and weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz (almost 2 lbs more than his brother and sister were at birth), and 19.5 inches. We would appreciate your prayers - God isn't through teaching us that our kids are His kids. He wasn't eating and they have found he has some lower small bowel obstructions and is currently in the NICU in Eugene. Doing lots of tests, surgery is a possibility, waiting to see what the doctors/surgeons want to proceed with. Sam and Abby are with grandparents, we are back and forth. It has been a very long 4 days and we still have a lot ahead of us at this point. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, peace for us and health for David Howard.

March 24 - A better day today for David. Last night they had to give him morphine for pain, but today he did alright without any. He was much more peaceful and relaxed - which made it much easier on Mom and Dad. He had several more procedures, tests, photo therapy for jaundice and a biopsy. The biopsy is for Hersh-Shprungs (who knows if I spelled that right) Disease - where the muscle of the colon and rectum have a section that doesn't work, and would require surgery. The results for that and the Cystic Fybrosis testing will take several days - more waiting - but at least we know what we are up against. We are praying that both of these tests come back negative. Good news - he is having some dirty diapers, those are worthy of celebration right now! We were able to hold him more today, that is a gift lately. Thanks for your prayers - we need all of them we can get. -Rachel

March 25 -This morning we got to the hospital and things were looking great - the doctor and surgeon had good news to report on how David was doing, how his latest x-rays looked, etc. They were just waiting for the biopsy to make certain we were in the clear. 2 hours later the biopsy came back and the pathologists are 99.9% certain he tested positive for having Hirschsprung's Disease. What an emotional roller coaster to go from a high to a low like that. He will have surgery, but it hasn't been decided how soon that will be - more waiting. His meconium plugs are gone so they would like to try getting some nutrients and eventually food down him if he can tolerate that so that he would be stronger and older at the time of the surgery - if he does well he could come home after he is stable and eating well, until the surgery. Otherwise he will have the surgery sooner. The surgery will be done at OHSU in Portland and this surgeon will work with another surgeon from there to do the procedure. Tony told me that it is like Caleb and Joshua, when they spied out the land there were giants there, but they believed that God was bigger than the giants. Our David (and us too) is facing his own giant right now - but our God is bigger. We want to believe that God loves us and is going with us through this, even though right now we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel- to be honest, as a parent it is pretty dark right now. Thank you for praying for us - we need it right now! For now we will keep going up and spending the days with David - holding him, praying over him, singing to him, loving on him as much as we can. Then each night coming home to love on our other two precious kids. -Rachel and Tony


Hannah said...

Poor little guy! We will keep him in our prayers.
hannah n

Laura said...

I will definitely pray for him and the family.